Everything you need to know about Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation (ANE)
Many of the individuals with developmental disabilities may be the victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation at some point during their lives. Since many of them are non-verbal and often have significant physical impairments. According to Federal Regulations, these individuals has the right to be free from verbal, sexual, physical, and mental abuse, corporal punishment, … Continue reading
What are my rights in the Home and Community-based Services (HCS) program?
Rights are entitlements to perform certain actions, or to be in certain states based on laws and rules. Access Care of America will protect and promote your rights What are my rights? All people have rights. Individuals with Intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have the same rights all citizens have, unless a judge has taken … Continue reading
The Best Jobs for People with Developmental Disabilities & Where to Find Them
Employment is a fundamental value, and equal opportunity should be provided to all qualified individuals with disabilities. People with developmental disabilities are often very compassionate, though they may not have the ability to express their feelings. They can, however, serve and perform duties when provided with simple, repetitive steps and direct supervision. No matter what … Continue reading
Why Staying Active Is Important for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have the right to the best possible care, which includes exercise in their daily routine. This will make them feel healthy and happy. These individuals should benefit greatly from the positive effects of exercise on one’s mental health. Exercise is known to improve self-esteem and cognitive functioning whilst … Continue reading
Everything You Need to Know About Getting Home & Community-Based Care Services in Texas
What is Home & Community-based Services (HCS)? The Home and Community-based Services is a waiver program that provides individualized services and supports to children and adults with intellectual disabilities who are living with their family, in their own home or in other community settings, such as small group homes with no more than 4 people. … Continue reading
Fun Activities to do with your loved ones with Special Needs
People who have intellectual and developmental disabilities can engage in fun activities so that their minds will stay stimulated and they will live life as fully as possible. Engaging in different fun activities together with your loved ones will allow them to continue to develop their skills. You can do anything with them that seems … Continue reading