Your Rights

man smiling

At Access Care of America, we want to help you stay informed regarding your rights. To learn more, we encourage you to keep on reading below and to check out the resources that we provide.

No Discrimination
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law that forbids discrimination against individuals with disabilities. ADA also requires employers to provide modifications (also known as reasonable accommodations) to accommodate applicants and employees with disabilities. These modifications must be done to allow them to enjoy the same equal employment opportunities as able-bodied individuals. Modifications can vary depending on the needs of the disabled individual, after all, not all disabled individuals require special accommodations. To learn more, please visit

Human and Civil Rights
As stated by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, the human and civil rights of individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities must be protected, enforced, and honored. These rights include the right to justice, liberty, community participation, autonomy, access to voting, and freedom from unwarranted guardianship. For more information, we encourage you to visit

If you have any other questions regarding your rights, reach out to Access Care of America today. Contact us at 1-800-845-4031 for assistance.